

Yuen-Zhou lab attends APS 2018 March meeting

Celebrating Luis' birthday in K-town, LA while group attends to APS March meeting.
Great talks given by everyone in the group at the Strong Light-Matter Coupling sessions in DCP.


Max-Planck Institute Hamburg, Germany

Joel visits the MPI for Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg, Germany. Thanks to Ángel Rubio for the kind invitation. A trip filled with great scientific discussions!


Joel invites the film director Rodrigo Reyes to UCSD

Dinner with Rodrigo at a Japanese restuarant after the screening of his award-winning movie 'Lupe Under the Sun'!

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Raphael attends the Fall ACS Meeting

Raphael attends the ACS Fall National Meeting in Washington D.C, where he presented his work on vibronic symmetries and Jhan-Teller effect.

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Solar eclipse!

A (partial) solar eclipse is a good excuse to go out and take a sunbath.


Matt attends Telluride School on Theoretical Chemistry

Matt attends Telluride School on Theoretical Chemistry, where he learned on topics ranging from electronic structure to biophysics.

Raphael attends the Telluride Workshop SCCD

Raphael attends the Telluride Workshop on Spontaneous Coherence and Collective Dynamics. This covered a range of topics regarding condensation of polaritons.

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July 4th celebrations

July 4th celebration! Joel hosted an awesome lunch (and afternoon of games) before heading to the traditional fireworks.


Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) - UC Santa Barbara

Joel gives scientific and outreach presentations sponsored by the graduate students' SACNAS chapter at UCSB. Thanks Marcela & friends for organizing this. It was an honor to meet such enthusiastic and interesting students!



The group goes for a spontaneous sushi dinner in UTC!


Thanksgiving Dinner, 2016

Joel cooks the group and friends a delicious thanksgiving meal!


Luis attends "Molecular Reponse Properties" Summer School

Luis attends the "Molecular Reponse Properties" Summer School in Virginia Tech. The topics covered in the school were on the theory of light-matter interaction in the linear-response regime.

SoCal Theochem UCI

SoCal TheoChem 2.0

Luis and Jorge present a poster at SoCal TheoChem 2.0, the symposium that gathers the theoretical-chemistry community in the southern California area.

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Jorge attends CECAM school

Jorge attends the CECAM school "Quantum and Mixed Quantum Classical Dynamics simulations for the study of photoinitiated processes" in Zaragoza, Spain. Here is a photo which seems 100% legit XD


APS March meeting

Joel gives an invited talk at the APS March meeting in New Orleans at the Division of Chemical Physics in the session "Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Multichromophoric Systems".


Rosca de reyes

Rosca de Reyes celebration!
We are excited to start this year with renewed energy to do science.


PChem Seminar in UC, Riverside

Joel gives a PChem Seminar in the Department of Chemistry at UC Riverside.

Matt Du

Matt joins the group!

Matt Du joins our research group! Matt did his undergrad at Northwestern where he worked in organic chemistry synthesis and electronic structure theory.Matt likes playing quidditch and cooking.

Welcome Matt!
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Lunch at Bella Vista

Joel takes the lab for lunch to Bella Vista for a group photo next to the beach.


Condensed Matter seminar at Caltech

Joel gives a Condensed Matter seminar in the Department of Physics in Caltech.

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Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules, SCOM16

Joel and Luis attended the "Strong Coupling with Organic Molecules" workshop in Donostia, San Sebastian! Joel gives an invited talk and Luis presents a poster on ultrastrong coupling chemistry. We had the chance to learn more on the current polariton-related research and its frontiers.

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Raphael Ribeiro

Raphael joins the group!

Dr. Raphael Ribeiro joins our research group! He is an expert on semiclassical methods and topology in physics and chemistry. Raphael holds a PhD from UC Irvine on corrections to Thomas Fermi theory.

Welcome Raphael!

PChem Seminar at SDSU

Joel gives a PChem seminar in the Department of Chemistry at San Diego State University.

Jorge Campos Angulo

Jorge joins the group!

Jorge Campos Angulo joins our research group! Jorge holds a BSc and MSc degrees from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His masters thesis is concerned with spectroscopic signatures of molecular magnets. Jorge enjoys sci-fi.

Welcome Jorge!

Costa Brava restaurant

The group heads over to Pacific Beach, to taste some raelly great Spanish food!


Invited talk at META Conference

Joel gives an invited talk at the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals, and Plasmonics (META) in Malaga, Spain.

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SoCal TheoChem, 2016

Joel and Francesco organized the First Southern California Theoretical Chemistry Symposium at UC San Diego!

We had an amazing program and participation from the local universities in SoCal. We are looking forward to the next meeting in UC, Irvine next year! Read More

Materials Research Society Spring 2016 Meeting

Joel gives an invited talk at MRS in the session "Organic Excitonic Systems and Devices" in Phoenix.

MPPG meeting

MPPG forum

Joel organizes an MPPG forum entitled "The future of spectroscopies: Theoretical perspectives" at the 251st National ACS meeting themed "Computers in Chemistry".

He moderates an exciting discussion involving Prof. Paul Brumer (Toronto), Prof. Gregory Engel (UChicago) and Dr. Markus Kowalewski (UC Irvine).

Pacifichem talk

Joel gives an invited talk at Pacifichem in the session "Quantum Coherence in Energy Transfer" in Honolulu!

Luis Martinez-Martinez

Luis joins the group!

Luis A. Martinez-Martinez joins our research group!

Luis holds a BSc and MSc degrees from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).His masters thesis involves accelerated GPU-calculations for a ground-state MP2 variant. He enjoys jogging, video games and heavy metal.

Open Quantum Systems Workshop

Roberto and Joel attend CECAM workshop "Open Quantum Systems: Computational Methods" in Hong Kong! Roberto wins a travel fellowship from the Materials Computation Center.

Congratulations Roberto!

Joel gives a talk!

VIII Annual Meeting of the MSP

Roberto and Joel give talks at the VIII Annual meeting of the Division de Informacion Cuantica of the Mexican Society of Physiscs in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

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The Yuen-Zhou group is launched!

Excited to annouce my arrival in San Diego from cambridge, MA, to start my new group at UCSD.
Welcome Roberto, Andrew and Ben!